Can you answer these earache questions?


There are several other factors that can cause earache.

Correct! Wrong!

The following are the other possible causes of earache:

  • Arthritis of the jaw
  • Short-term ear infection
  • Long-term ear infection
  • Ear injury from pressure changes (from high altitudes and other causes)
  • Object stuck in the ear or buildup of ear wax
  • Hole in the eardrum
  • Sinus infection
  • Sore throat
  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)
  • Tooth infection

We can prevent earaches by ….......

Correct! Wrong!

The doctor may recommend the following steps to help prevent earaches in future:

  • Avoid smoking near children. Secondhand smoke is a major cause of ear infections in children.
  • Prevent outer ear infections by not putting objects in the ear.
  • Dry the ears well after bathing or swimming.
  • Take steps to control allergies. Try to avoid allergy triggers.
  • Try a steroid nasal spray to help reduce ear infections. (However, over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants DO NOT prevent ear infections.)

Earache in children and infants may be due to......

Correct! Wrong!

Earache in childrenand infants may be due to infection. The following are the other possible causes in children and infants:

  • Ear canal irritation from cotton-tipped swabs
  • Soap or shampoo staying in the ear

Wax is removed by…......

Correct! Wrong!

If the cause of earache is buildup of wax, the doctor may give wax-softening eardrops. These eardrops facilitate the wax to fall out on its own. Your doctor may also use ear lavage or a suction device to remove the wax.

Earache is mostly caused by…......

Correct! Wrong!

Mostly, earache can be caused by injury, irritation in the ear, infection, or referred pain. Referred pain is pain originated elsewhere, such as jaw or teeth, but felt in the ear. Blockage of the eustachian tube may lead to pressure behind the eardrum or an infection and cause earache.

Which one of the following tests is done to diagnose earache?

Correct! Wrong!

The doctor will do a physical exam and look at the ear, nose, and throat areas. The doctor will also review the symptoms. Pain, tenderness, or redness of the mastoid bone behind the ear on the skull is often a sign of a serious infection.

Which is not a symptom of earache in children and infants?

Correct! Wrong!

The following are the symptoms of an ear infection in children and infants:

  • Ear pain
  • Fever
  • Fussiness
  • Increased crying
  • Irritability

Earache is treated by antiviral medicines.

Correct! Wrong!

The doctor will prescribe oral antibiotics or eardrops if the cause of earache is ear infection. Sometimes, the doctor may prescribe both. It is important to finish the entire course of prescribed medicines to make sure that the infection clears up completely.

The doctor will treat TMJ, sinus infections, and others problems that are causing the earaches. This will alleviate the earache.

Earache is rare, occurs mostly in adults, and is a serious problem.

Correct! Wrong!

Earache is common, particularly in children. Usually, it is not a sign of anything serious, but it can be painful.

Several home care measures can be taken to help earache.

Correct! Wrong!

The doctor may recommend the following steps to help an earache:

  • Place a cold pack or cold wet washcloth on the outer ear for 20 minutes to reduce pain.
  • Chewing may help relieve the pain and pressure of an ear infection. (Gum can be a choking hazard for young children.)
  • Resting in an upright position instead of lying down can reduce pressure in the middle ear.
  • Over-the-counter ear drops can be used to relieve pain, as long as the eardrum has not ruptured.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can provide relief for children and adults with an earache. (DO NOT give aspirin to children.)c

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